Pellerin Milnor Corporation

Technical Knowledge Base

Machine Manuals

Information regarding machine manuals
Current manuals for the smaller washer extractor models currently in production are available on the Milnor website under the Products tab. Note: the current production manuals does not include the schematic manual.
Older manuals for machines not currently in production and older manuals for current models in production are not available on the web. If you are in need of an older manual, they can be purchased by contacting your local dealer or by calling the Pellerin Milnor parts department at 504-712-7775. Please have the model code, date code and serial number available. Older manuals can be ordered in a paper format or electronic format (pdf file).

You will need to provide the following documentation to ensure that we get you the proper manual for your machine: Model Number, Serial Number, Date Code of the machine. What manual are you looking for? It could be a Reference Manual for the controller (necessary for programming), Service/Installation Manual (necessary for maintenance and installation), Schematic Manual (necessary for electrical troubleshooting), Operator Manual (necessary for routine operations), or a Safety Manual (necessary for all safe interaction with the machine). What format do you want the document in? If it is a paper copy, we will need the shipping address. If it is an electronic format, we will need an email address. We will upload the document to a FTP website at We will then send an email to you with the necessary instructions to login to that website and download your file. It will be available for download until 30 days after the point of order; we will then delete it from the website.

Keywords: maintenance manuals, operation manuals, parts manuals, programming manuals, schematics, schematic manuals, service manuals, wiring diagrams,
On small machines the serial number can sometimes be found written in grease pencil on the inside of the rear console.

On machines with gear reducers, the gear reducer serial number can be used to find the machine serial number if the gear reducer is original.
Last updated: 01/07/2011 / Node ID: 339 / Key Chain: 12.1.11E.153.