Pellerin Milnor Corporation

Technical Knowledge Base

Not Responding

The main display on the Mildata PC indicates Not Responding
The main display on the Mildata PC indicates "Not Responding" for some or all system machines.
Check the following:

1. Ensure Mildata addresses are the same on the Online Communicator, the machine, and the programmer.
2. Ensure that each machine has a unique address.
3. Ensure the unresponsive machine(s) is still in the correct configure groups(s).
4. Ensure the correct COM port is selected in the Mildata configuration mode in the Mildata dialog box. Mildata NT versions prior to and including 14108 should be COM1 or COM2 versions after and including 15000 should be COM 5.
5. Ensure the unresponsive machine is configured for Mildata (i.e., Mildata? Yes).
6. Ensure the serial link is working properly.
7. Ensure the RS232-RS485 converter is plugged in properly and functioning.
8. Make sure that each machine is configured and linked to the appropriate machine programmer that includes the requested formula.

SES 3/12/03
Last updated: 03/12/2003 / Node ID: 716 / Key Chain: 12.1.2C9.2CB.2CC.