Pellerin Milnor Corporation


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48040F7B Specifications

Suspension Suspended
Controller E-P Plus®
Capacity 275 lb.(125 kg)
Width 85.5 in.(2172 mm)
Depth 111.98 in.(2844 mm)
Height 98.25 in.(2496 mm)
Net Weight 10,350
Cylinder Open Pocket
Cylinder Diameter 48 in.(1219 mm)
Cylinder Depth 40 in.(1016 mm)
Cylinder Volume 42 cu. ft.(1189 L)
Wash Speed 30-38
Distribution Speed 66 rpm
Extraction Speed 320 to 664 rpm
Extraction G-Force 300 Gs
Extraction Group High
Drive Motor 25 HP(18.64 kW)
Inlet Connection 1.5 in.(38 mm)
Drain Valve 4 in.(102 mm)
Specifications and appearance are subject to change without notice.

ARCAT Architectural Resources