Pellerin Milnor Corporation

Technical Knowledge Base

Air Cylinder Rebuild

Rebuilding an air cylinder is a cheap way to restore an air cylinder to proper operation. It is inevitable that the internal piston seals will begin to leak by. The air cylinder will no longer function as it was intended. A tell tale sign of an air cylinder piston cup leak is air leaking from the leak off on the solenoid valve. See the attached procedure on how to rebuild an air cylinder.

Rebuild kits/parts are available for most air cylinders.

For a CBW
AVD48701 4"DUMP BONNET&AIRCYL DBL-ACT is the flow stop air cylinder. It uses kit KZRKDVDA01 REPAIR KIT 4"DUMP VLV DBL-ACT
A64DV004 BONNET DUMPVAL NC G3 is the drain valve air cylinder for a G3 and a G4 CBW. It uses kit KTWDVACR01 G3/G4 DRAIN VALVE AIR CYL REPAIR KIT
A64AC001A N/C DUMP VAL AIR CYL 4+1/2X8 is the drain valve for a classic CBW. It uses kit KTNCDVAC01 REPAIR KIT A64AC001A
A65AC001 7639
Last updated: 09/17/2013 / Node ID: 1971 / Key Chain: 12.1.7F.30E.7B3.