Pellerin Milnor Corporation

Technical Knowledge Base

Conwa Taring

Taring time for the CONWA conveyor load cell
Functional description of the taring of the load cell on the CONWA (load conveyor) of the CBW.

The CBW waits for the Don't Tare input to go away, then it waits for two seconds, then it waits for 4 samples from the A/D board for the CONWA. If there are a many boards in the CBW it will take longer to talk to the board 4 times and get those samples.
You can see how long it takes for the 4 samples by monitoring the serial link light on the Conwa A/D board. Each sample is a blink of the serial link LED.

(per JF on 07-03-08 GLL)
Last updated: 07/03/2008 / Node ID: 1577 / Key Chain: 12.1.7F.15C.1CA.629.