Pellerin Milnor Corporation

Technical Knowledge Base

Cylinder End Repair

Cylinder End Repair for Cracked Hub
Cylinder End Cracks on 60044 & 7244WE2 Basket
See also K28 0014.
September 5, 2000


This document is intended to be educational on the topic of cylinder end cracks on the above mentioned machines. There have been two different types of failures in the cylinder end, which need to be properly diagnosed so that an effective repair can be made.

1. One failure, which was regularly seen on cylinders produced in the 1970's and 1980's, is that of a cylinder hub crack. This was circular in nature around the end of the shaft and usually found at most a couple of inches from the shaft. For these cases, there is a kit which provides the necessary attachment components for attaching the shaft to the cylinder end. There is extensive welding and gouging work that must be done to make this repair and usually the basket must be removed from the machine.

2. Another failure, which has been witnessed, is that of the cylinder tabs cracking where they enter the cylinder end. These tabs are actually alignment points for the "tunnel" which surrounds the shaft inside the basket. These tabs were once placed into a slot in the cylinder end and then the slot and tab welded together from the outside. After welding, these were buffed smooth so that it was difficult to recognize where the tabs were located. However, a crack usually manifests itself in up to six locations where the tabs enter the cylinder end. The center of each flat on the "tunnel" is the location of the tab entering the cylinder end. To repair this, detach the tab from the cylinder end. Do this by grinding or gouging or "washing out" the metal with a TIG torch. Then cover the resulting hole in the cylinder end with an overlay of 304 stainless to prevent water from leaking into the "tunnel" which surrounds the shaft.

The overlay pieces are available from MILNOR under p/n KDWCSF001. This repair can usually be made without removing the cylinder from the machine.

We would suspect that the predominant failure from machines produced in the 70's and 80's would be of the hub cracking away from the shaft. There was a multitude of reasons why this occurred. However, we saw a significant decrease in this type of failure and for the first time saw a failure of the tunnel tab cracks in approximately the mid 1990's.

Instructions are available for these two types of repairs which can help in diagnosing the problem and anticipating repair labor.

Please contact MILNOR Tech Support at [email protected] or fax 504-469-9777 to receive these instructions.

The kit instruction numbers are H28-0014 and HDWCSTF001

Gary Lazarre
Customer Service

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