Pellerin Milnor Corporation

Arrow Linen: Targeting Productivity and Profits

The 19th century steel magnate Andrew Carnegie warned that “the parent who leaves his son enormous wealth generally deadens the talents and energies of the son, and tempts him to lead a less worthy life than he otherwise would” but the laundry industry clearly contradicts this belief as it has been built on the hard work and successes of families.

Arrow Linen Supply (Arrow) and Pellerin Milnor Corporation are two examples of such success. Both companies have been in business since 1947 and are now run by third generation descendents/owners. Continuing the family tradition, both also have fourth generation employees who work to preserve the legacies and the future success of their family businesses.

By working together to identify their specific marketplace needs, Arrow and Pellerin Milnor Corporation have insured their longstanding successes for future generations. Arrow purchased its three Milnor CBW® tunnels two decades ago for the original laundry, which is located in Brooklyn, New York and these three vintage tunnels are still in operation today.

Arrow’s president John Anthony Magliocco said: “We have run our old Milnor CBWs for two, sometimes three, shifts for the last 20 years in the Brooklyn plant. We were very happy with their output and quality.”

In 2013, Arrow decided to expand operations and find a second location. The business could have chosen any manufacturer to equip the new washroom, but Arrow was convinced that it would obtain longevity, durability, and accountability with Milnor.

Ongoing successes of Milnor’s PulseFlow Technology

Pellerin Milnor has 200 PBW™ tunnels operating throughout the world and the Maglioccos had been aware of the ongoing successes of Milnor’s PulseFlow® Technology since 2009. So they asked authorized Milnor distributor Direct Machinery’s Ron Hirsch for his help in installing PulseFlow® tunnels at their newly refurbished plant. Now Arrow, with its twin PBW tunnels, joins the growing list of rental/food and beverage (F&B) laundries that process heavily-soiled linen with minimal fresh water consumption and still produce excellent wash quality. Arrow’s new laundry is located in Garden City, Long Island. The general contractor for the build-out was ARCO Murray.

Clever and creative thinking turned a problematic ceiling height into an ingenious solution by lifting the roof from its original position by 11 feet (3.35 m). The state-of-the art laundry processes heavily-soiled work and delivers the high quality finish that is demanded by its food and beverage customers throughout New Jersey, Nassau, Suffolk, Rockland, Westchester Counties and the five boroughs. The Garden City laundry covers 72,000 sq ft (7,000 m2)  and is capable of processing  260,000 lb (118,000 kg) weekly, while the Brooklyn laundry handles similar volumes.

Fully Equipped with Milnor

Garden City is equipped with two Milnor PulseFlow 76039 150 lb (68kg) tunnels, with two M9V4840 260 lb (118 kg) centrifugal extractors, two single-load, elevating wet goods shuttles and three 48040 H7N 275 lb. (125kg) capacity tilting washer-extractors. In addition there are four 6464TG1 200 – 350lb (91–158kg ) pass-through dryers and one DryVac lint removal system. Milnor’s E-Tech rail system transports linen throughout the laundry while Milnor’s Mentor® and Multitrac® controls communicate with E-Tech’s E-Vue software via DataFusion™ to provide total production insight in real time.

No compromise in quality

Arrow’s customers’ restaurant linen requires frequent colour and soil change formulae, but the quality is not compromised. Fresh water consumption is 0.7 gal/lb. (5L/kg), which is less than half of the water consumption of the conventional Milnor CBW tunnels in the original Brooklyn laundry. Each PulseFlow tunnel has an average output of 24 loads. giving a total production of 2,700kg (6,000lb) per hour. Corporate engineer Frank Park said the tunnels “have increased our workload by over 40% without increasing the energy, water, or labour costs we experienced when we converted the conventional washers to CBW tunnels over 20 years ago.”

Major improvement

Frank Park added that the PBW tunnels represent a major improvement on the CBWs, giving far superior wash quality with only 50% of the water consumption.

Arrow’s past president and current CEO John Ambrose Magliocco said: “Over the past two decades, we have come to trust Milnor and its people to meet our extremely high standards.” He continued: “They have done everything they promised and more, raising their quality to a higher level.” Arrow employs nearly 100 people at the Garden City location. This second laundry site will allow the company to expand its business well into the future, while reducing operating costs and improving the quality.

Dick Albers, Pellerin Milnor Corporation marketing director of laundry systems, said: “Both Pellerin Milnor Corporation and Arrow Linen have always strived for excellence in quality.” He added: “This laundry is a culmination of the Pellerin and Magliocco collaborative legacies. It is simply stunning.”


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