Pellerin Milnor Corporation

Technical Knowledge Base

How To Program

There are numerous ways to program an inverter.

You can program in each constant using the digital operator.
You can copy the constants to the digital operator and switch it to another inverter and down load the constants from the digital operator into the inverter memory.
You can hook the inverter to a laptop running a program supplied through Yaskawa called Device Wizard and download the constants from your computer into the inverter or from the inverter into the computer for storage. You can make changes in your computer and upload the changes into the inverter. This works for all model of inverters.

V1000 Program Mode see the attached picture to access program mode

V1000 Monitor Mode allows you to read actual inverter characteristics such as Output Frequency or Amps while the inverter is operating.

Program Mode and Monitor Mode menu access guides for the A1000, F7 and GPD315 are also attached.
For Device Wizard, it can be downloaded from You will need a cable to connect your computer to the inverter. This cable can be purchased through Yaskawa, or you can make one. Yaskawa on there website has what is called eLearning Modules. One of these modules is about Device Wizard and how it works. In that module, it will show how to make your own cable.

To copy the constants to the digital operator and move that operator to another inverter, Yaskawa has an e-Learning module that covers that. The procedure is also detailed in the User Manual in the parameter listing appendix.

For a F7, V1000, and the A1000 inverters, constant o3-01 is the parameter to copy. It must first be enabled with constant o3-02 by selecting 1 (enable).
o3-01 has some choices
Last updated: 05/31/2012 / Node ID: 1604 / Key Chain: